福利姬色情片 Representative in Luxembourg
Dr Robin J White M福利姬色情片
Robin completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Chemistry at the University of York, UK, concluding with a PhD in the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence under the supervision of Prof. James H. Clark. He was then a Max-Planck-Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids & Interfaces in the department of Prof. Markus Antonietti which followed by a post-doc at TU Berlin in the group of Prof. Arne Thomas.
Following a position as a project scientist at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in the department of Prof. Carlo Rubbia, he moved to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), to found and lead the Sustainable Catalytic Materials Group, as supported by a Fraunhofer Attract Award.
A subsequent move to TNO (Netherlands) (as a Specialist in Catalysis) was followed by the transition to his current position as Core Technologies Leader | H2 & CO2 at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. His R&D interest lies in innovative material systems needed to deliver an ecological and equitable energy transition.